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Pubali Bank PLC holds 1st Business Conference-2025 of Regional and Corporate Branch Managers
Pubali Bank PLC's 1st Business Conference-2025 of Regional and Corporate Branch Managers held at Bank’s Head Office Auditorium today. Monzurur Rahman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pubali Bank Ltd. was the Chief Guest at the conference.
Sultana Sarifun Nahar Appointed as the DMD of Pubali Bank
The Board of Directors of Pubali Bank PLC has appointed Sultana Sarifun Nahar as Deputy Managing Director (DMD). She is the first woman to hold this prestigious position, marking a significant milestone in the history of the bank.
Pubali Bank PLC gets 'Branding Award 2025' by the Centre for NRB
Pubali Bank PLC has been awarded the ‘Branding Award 2025’ by the Centre for Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) for its special contribution to the Branding Bangladesh initiative. The award was presented at the inaugural ceremony of the World Conference
Our Strength
Pubali Bank was initially emerged in the Banking scenario of the then East Pakistan as Eastern Mercantile Bank Limited at the initiative of some Bangalee entrepreneurs in the year 1959 under Bank Companies Act 1913 for providing credit to the Bangalee entrepreneurs who had limited access to the credit in those days from other financial institutions. After independence of Bangladesh in 1972 this Bank was nationalized as per policy of the Government and renamed as Pubali Bank. Subsequently due to changed circumstances this Bank was denationalized in the year 1983 as a private bank and renamed as Pubali Bank Limited. Since inception this Bank has been playing a vital role in socio-economic, industrial and agricultural development as well as in the overall economic development of the country through savings mobilization and investment of funds. At Present, Pubali Bank is the largest private commercial bank having 508 Branches, 207 Sub-Branches, 25 Islamic Banking Window Branch and it has the largest real time centralized online banking network.
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