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Interest Rate
Deposit Interest Rates
SL Product Description Interest Rate
01. Saving Bank Account 2.00%
02. Special Notice Deposit Less than 1 Crore 2.25%
1 Crore or above but less than 25 Crore 3.00%
25 Crore or above but less than 50 Crore 4.00%
50 Crore or above but less than 100 Crore 4.50%
100 crore or above 5.00%
Special Notice Deposit (SND) Banks and Non Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) irrespective of any amount. 5.00%
03. Deposit Pension Scheme --
04. Pubali Pension Scheme (PPS) 3 Years 7.25%
5 Years 7.25%
7 Years 7.50%
10 Years 7.50%
05. Pubali Sanchay Prokalpo (PSP) 5 Years 7.25%
10 Years 7.50%
06. Shikha Sanchay Prokalpo (SSP) 10 Years 7.50%
07. Peoples Pubali Pension Scheme (PPPS) Interest will be paid 6 Months FDR rate (prevailing FDR rate) plus 1% p.a. on daily Product basis to be compounded monthly. 10.25%
08. Senior Citizen Pubali Deposit Scheme (SCPDS) Interest will be paid 6 Months FDR rate (prevailing FDR rate) plus 1% p.a. on daily Product basis to be compounded monthly. 10.25%
09. Digun Sanchoy Prokalpo 09 Years 8.055%
10. Monthly Profit Based FDR 5 Years, Minimum Tk. 1.00 lac or its multification 7.50%
11. Pubali Swadhin Sanchaya 6.25%
12. Pubali Shawpna Puran 6.25%
13. Fixed Deposit Receipt(FDR). 1 Months, For Any amount
3 Months, For Any amount
100 Days, For Any amount
6 Months, For Any amount
12 months and above, For Any amount
Advance Interest Rate
SL Product Interest Rate
01. Cash Credit 13.50%
02. Over Draft 13.50%
03. Secured Over Draft 13.50%
04. Inland Bill Purchase 13.50%
05. Payment Against Document 13.50%
06. Loan Againt Imported Mercendise 13.50%
07. Loan Against Trust Received 13.50%
08. Housing Residential (General HBL) 13.00%
Commercial 13.50%
09. All Export Loan 12.50%
10. Agriculture Credit a) i) Crops Production(Dal,Oil Seeds,Spices,Corn) 4.00%
a) ii) Crops Production(Other than Dal,Oil Seeds,Spices,Corn) 13.00%
b) Fishery 13.00%
c) Poultry 13.00%
d) Domestic Animal Rearing 13.00%
e) Pubali Shufala Rin, Pubali Krishi Uddokta Rin, Pubali Krishak Bnodhu Rin 13.00%
f) Agriculture Credit under NGO 13.00%
11. Non Resident Credit Scheme 13.75%
12. Loan Against FDR(Other Bank) -
13. Loan Against FDR(Own Bank) 2% above the interest Rate of Pledged FDR but maximum 13.50%
14. Loan Against PPS,PSP,SSP,DSP,MFD,MPSD 2% above the Interest Rate payable to the Clients of each Sanchay Prokolpa but maximum 13.50%
15. Loan Against Transport 13.50%
16. Term Loan 13.50%
17. Shikha Rin Prokolpo In case of Officers and Staff of our Pubali Bank Ltd. 13.75%
Pre Foreign Education Loan 13.50%
Other than Bank Staff and Officials 14.00%
18. Pubali Utshab/others 14.00%
19. Lease Financing Scheme 14.00%
20. Miscellaneous Sector 13.50%
21. Export Credit a) Ready-made Garments 12.50%
b) Other than Ready-made Garments 12.50%
22. Commercial Credit & Industrial Credit a) Continuous Loan (CC, OD, SOD, PAD, LIM, LATR etc.) 14.00%
b) OD (Work Order,Bid Bond & Earnest Money) 14.00%
c) Term Loan 14.00%
d) IBP 14.00%
e) Working Capital (Industrial Sector) 14.00%
f) Term Loan (Large and medium scale industries) 14.00%
g) Term Loan (Small, micro and cottage) 14.00%
23. Other Loans a) Transport Loan 14.00%
b) MISC (Excluding Sectors mentioned above) 14.00%
Pubali Prochesta (Continuous Loan) 14.00%
Pubali Protyasha 13.50%
Pubali Subarna 13.50%
Pubali Sujon 13.50%
Pubali Karmo Uddyog (Women) 13.50%
SME (Women Entrepreneur) 14.00%
SME Special 13.50%
Micro Credit
Pubali Prantik Rin 14.00%
Pubali Pratyasha Rin 14.00%
All CMSME (Other than above) -
Consumer Loan
Car Loan 14.00%
Personal Loan (with Mortgage) 14.00%
House Hold Durable Loan 14.00%
Medical Equipment Loan 14.00%
Flat Purchases 13.50%
House Renovation 13.50%
Take Over under Flat Purchases/House Renovation/Construction Loan(Clients of Anwar Landmark Limited/ Sheltech Pvt. Limited 13.50%
Teacher Loan 13.00%
DLP-Pubali Star
Salary Account with Pubali Bank 13.50%
Salary Account with Other Bank 14.00%
With Mortgage (For all) 13.25%
Pubali Abashon 13.50%
Take Over Pubali Abashon 13.50%
Pubali Mortgage 13.50%
Take Over Under Pubali Mortgage 13.00%
Foreign Education Loan 14.00%
Probashee Nibash 12.00%
Govt. Employee House Building Loan 9.00%
Islamic Profit Rate
SL Product Provisional Profit Rate
01. Mudaraba Savings A/C (MSA) 3.00%
02. Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit (MSND) Less than Tk. 1.00 Crore 4.00%
Tk. 1.00 Crore or abovc but less than Tk.25.00 Crore 4.25%
Tk. 25.00 Crore or above but less than Tk.50.00 Crore 4.50%
Tk.50.00 Crore or above but less than Tk.100 Crore 4.80%
Tk.100 Crore or above 6.00%
03. Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt (MTDR) For 1 Month 8.00%
For 3 Months 9.25%
For 6 Months 9.50%
For 12 Months or above 9.75%
04. Mudaraba Monthly Profit Based Term Deposit 7.75%
05. Mudaraba Swapno Puran Deposit A/C 6.75%
06. Mudaraba Swadhin Sanchay Deposit A/C 7.75%
07. Mudaraba Shiksha Sanchay Deposit A/C 6.75%
08. Mudaraba Hajj Savings A/C (MHSA) 8.50%
09. Mudaraba Cash Waqf Deposit A/C 8.50%
10. Mudaraba Deposit Pension A/C for 05 Years 7.75%
11. Mudaraba Deposit Pension A/C for 10 Years 8.00%
12. Mudaraba Marriage/Muhar Deposit A/C for 05 Years 7.75%
13. Mudaraba Marriage/Muhar Deposit A/C for 10 Years 8.00%
14. Mudaraba Peoples Pubali Pension Scheme 06 Months MTDR rate + 1%
15. Mudaraba Senior Citizen Pubali Deposit Scheme 06 Months MTDR rate + 1%
16. Bai-Muajjal a) Working Capital 13.50%
b) Commercial 13.50%
c) Corporate 13.50%
d) CMSME 13.50%
e) Manufacturing/Industrial 13.50%
f) Work Order 13.50%
g) Service 13.50%
h) Agriculture 13.50%
i) Agriculture Investment Under NGO 13.50%
j) Term 13.50%
k) WC for Export(Ready Made Garments) 13.00%
l) WC for Export(Other Than Ready Made Garments) 13.00%
17. Bai-Murabaha a) PIF (MPI-TR) / IBP / FBP 13.50%
b) EDF As per Bangladesh Bank rule
18. HPSM a) Agri Investment 12.50%
b) Agri Investment ubder NGO 12.50%
c) Car/Vehicle for Individual 13.50%
d) Car, Vehicle, vessel or any other transport for organizations (Lease) 13.50%
e) Flat purchase, Renovation, Construction for Individuals(Pubali Abashon/Pubali Mortgage) 13.00%
f) Takeover under Flat purchase, Renovation, Construction for Individuals(Pubali Abashon/Pubali Mortgage) 13.00%
g) Housing-Commercial 13.00%
h) Housing-Residential 13.50%
i) Construction/Project/Capital Machinery 13.50%
j) Govt. Employee (House Building) 9.00%
k) Probashee Nibash 11.50%
l) Medical equipment 13.50%
l) Teacher 12.50%
19. Bai-lshtishna under Export Investment 12.50%
20. Pubali Star (Islamic) a) Salary Account with Pubali Bank 13.00%
b) Salary Account with Other Bank 13.50%
c) With Mortgage (for all) 12.75%
d) Self Employeed / Businessman To be suspended till further instruction
21. Bai-Muajjal/HPSM- against Deposit Instrument or Account (DIA) 2% above the provisional profit rate of the instruments but not exceeding 13.50% p.a.
Advance Interest Rate(Sector wise)